fiasco currently only supports version 8 of the CHIANTI database.

Source code for fiasco.ions

Ion object. Holds all methods and properties of a CHIANTI ion.
import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from functools import cached_property
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline, interp1d, PchipInterpolator, splev, splrep
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates

from fiasco import proton_electron_ratio
from fiasco.base import ContinuumBase, IonBase
from fiasco.collections import IonCollection
from fiasco.levels import Level, Transitions
from fiasco.util import (
from fiasco.util.exceptions import MissingDatasetException

__all__ = ['Ion']

[docs] class Ion(IonBase, ContinuumBase): """ Class for representing a CHIANTI ion. The ion object is the fundamental unit of `fiasco`. This object contains all of the properties and methods needed to access important information about each ion from the CHIANTI database as well as compute common derived quantities. Parameters ---------- ion_name : `str` or `tuple` Name of the ion. This can be either a string denoting the name or a tuple containing the atomic number and ionization stage. See `~fiasco.util.parse_ion` for a list of all possible input formats. temperature : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Temperature array over which to evaluate temperature dependent quantities. ioneq_filename : `str`, optional Ionization equilibrium dataset abundance : `str` or `float`, optional If a string is provided, use the appropriate abundance dataset. If a float is provided, use that value as the abundance. ip_filename : `str`, optional Ionization potential dataset """ @u.quantity_input def __init__(self, ion_name, temperature: u.K, abundance = 'sun_coronal_1992_feldman_ext', *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(ion_name, *args, **kwargs) self.temperature = np.atleast_1d(temperature) # Get selected datasets # TODO: do not hardcode defaults, pull from rc file self._dset_names = {} self._dset_names['ioneq_filename'] = kwargs.get('ioneq_filename', 'chianti') self._dset_names['ip_filename'] = kwargs.get('ip_filename', 'chianti') self.abundance = abundance def _new_instance(self, temperature=None, **kwargs): """ Convenience method for creating an ion of the same type with possibly different arguments. If different arguments are not specified, this will just create a copy of itself. """ if temperature is None: temperature = self.temperature.copy() new_kwargs = self._instance_kwargs new_kwargs.update(kwargs) return type(self)(self.ion_name, temperature, **new_kwargs) def __repr__(self): try: n_levels = self._elvlc['level'].shape[0] except KeyError: n_levels = 0 try: n_transitions = self._wgfa['lower_level'].shape[0] except KeyError: n_transitions = 0 return f"""CHIANTI Database Ion --------------------- Name: {self.ion_name} Element: {self.element_name} ({self.atomic_number}) Charge: +{self.charge_state} Number of Levels: {n_levels} Number of Transitions: {n_transitions} Temperature range: [{self.temperature[0].to(u.MK):.3f}, {self.temperature[-1].to(u.MK):.3f}] HDF5 Database: {self.hdf5_dbase_root} Using Datasets: ioneq: {self._dset_names['ioneq_filename']} abundance: {self._dset_names.get('abundance', self.abundance)} ip: {self._dset_names['ip_filename']}""" @cached_property def _all_levels(self): try: _ = self._elvlc except KeyError: return None else: n_levels = self._elvlc['level'].shape[0] return [Level(i, self._elvlc) for i in range(n_levels)] def __getitem__(self, key): if self._all_levels is None: raise IndexError(f'No energy levels available for {self.ion_name}') else: # NOTE: casting to array first so that "fancy indexing" can # be used to index the energy levels. indexed_levels = np.array(self._all_levels)[key] if isinstance(indexed_levels, Level): return indexed_levels else: return indexed_levels.tolist() def __add__(self, value): return IonCollection(self, value) def __radd__(self, value): return IonCollection(value, self) @property def _instance_kwargs(self): # Keyword arguments used to instantiate this Ion. These are useful when # constructing a new Ion instance that pulls from exactly the same # data sources. kwargs = { 'hdf5_dbase_root': self.hdf5_dbase_root, **self._dset_names, } # If the abundance is set using a string specifying the abundance dataset, # the dataset name is in _dset_names. We want to pass this to the new instance # so that the new instance knows that the abundance was specified using a # dataset name. Otherwise, we can just pass the actual abundance value. if kwargs['abundance'] is None: kwargs['abundance'] = self.abundance return kwargs def _has_dataset(self, dset_name): # There are some cases where we need to check for the existence of a dataset # within a function as opposed to checking for the existence of that dataset # before entering the function using the decorator approach. try: needs_dataset(dset_name)(lambda _: None)(self) except MissingDatasetException: return False else: return True
[docs] def next_ion(self): """ Return an `~fiasco.Ion` instance with the next highest ionization stage. For example, if the current instance is Fe XII (+11), this method returns an instance of Fe XIII (+12). All other input arguments remain the same. """ return type(self)((self.atomic_number, self.ionization_stage+1), self.temperature, **self._instance_kwargs)
[docs] def previous_ion(self): """ Return an `~fiasco.Ion` instance with the next lowest ionization stage. For example, if the current instance is Fe XII (+11), this method returns an instance of Fe XI (+10). All other input arguments remain the same. """ return type(self)((self.atomic_number, self.ionization_stage-1), self.temperature, **self._instance_kwargs)
@property @needs_dataset('elvlc', 'wgfa') def transitions(self): return Transitions(self._elvlc, self._wgfa) @cached_property def ioneq(self): """ Ionization equilibrium data interpolated to the given temperature Interpolated the pre-computed ionization fractions stored in CHIANTI to the temperature of the ion. Returns NaN where interpolation is out of range of the data. For computing ionization equilibrium outside of this temperature range, it is better to use the ionization and recombination rates. .. note:: The cubic interpolation is performed in log-log space using a Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial with `~scipy.interpolate.PchipInterpolator`. This helps to ensure smoothness while reducing oscillations in the interpolated ionization fractions. See Also -------- fiasco.Element.equilibrium_ionization """ temperature = self.temperature.to_value('K') temperature_data = self._ioneq[self._dset_names['ioneq_filename']]['temperature'].to_value('K') ioneq_data = self._ioneq[self._dset_names['ioneq_filename']]['ionization_fraction'].value # Perform PCHIP interpolation in log-space on only the non-zero ionization fractions. # See for additional discussion. is_nonzero = ioneq_data > 0.0 f_interp = PchipInterpolator(np.log10(temperature_data[is_nonzero]), np.log10(ioneq_data[is_nonzero]), extrapolate=False) ioneq = f_interp(np.log10(temperature)) ioneq = 10**ioneq # This sets all entries that would have interpolated to zero ionization fraction to zero ioneq = np.where(np.isnan(ioneq), 0.0, ioneq) # Set entries that are truly out of bounds of the original temperature data back to NaN out_of_bounds = np.logical_or(temperature<temperature_data.min(), temperature>temperature_data.max()) ioneq = np.where(out_of_bounds, np.nan, ioneq) is_finite = np.isfinite(ioneq) ioneq[is_finite] = np.where(ioneq[is_finite] < 0., 0., ioneq[is_finite]) return u.Quantity(ioneq) @property @u.quantity_input def abundance(self) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: """ Elemental abundance relative to H. """ return self._abundance @abundance.setter def abundance(self, abundance): """ Sets the abundance of an ion (relative to H). If the abundance is given as a string, use the matching abundance set. If the abundance is given as a float, use that value directly. """ if isinstance(abundance, str): self._dset_names['abundance'] = abundance self._abundance = self._abund[self._dset_names['abundance']] else: self._dset_names['abundance'] = None self._abundance = abundance @property @needs_dataset('ip') @u.quantity_input def ip(self) -> u.erg: """ Ionization potential. """ return self._ip[self._dset_names['ip_filename']] * const.h * const.c @property def hydrogenic(self): r""" Is the ion hydrogen-like or not. Notes ----- This is `True` if :math:`Z - z = 1`. """ return (self.atomic_number - self.charge_state == 1) @property def helium_like(self): r""" Is the ion helium like or not. Notes ----- This is `True` if :math:`Z - z = 2`. """ return (self.atomic_number - self.charge_state == 2) @property @u.quantity_input def formation_temperature(self) -> u.K: """ Temperature at which `~fiasco.Ion.ioneq` is maximum. This is a useful proxy for the temperature at which lines for this ion are formed. """ return self.temperature[np.argmax(self.ioneq)] @cached_property @needs_dataset('scups') @u.quantity_input def effective_collision_strength(self) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: r""" Maxwellian-averaged collision strength, typically denoted by :math:`\Upsilon`, as a function of temperature. According to Eq. 4.11 of :cite:t:`phillips_ultraviolet_2008`, :math:`\Upsilon` is given by, .. math:: \Upsilon = \int_0^\infty\mathrm{d}\left(\frac{E}{k_BT}\right)\,\Omega_{ji}\exp{\left(-\frac{E}{k_BT}\right)} where :math:`\Omega_{ji}` is the collision strength. These Maxwellian-averaged collision strengths are stored in dimensionless form in CHIANTI and are rescaled to the appropriate temperature. See Also -------- fiasco.util.burgess_tully_descale : Descale and interpolate :math:`\Upsilon`. """ kBTE = np.outer(const.k_B * self.temperature, 1.0 / self._scups['delta_energy']) upsilon = burgess_tully_descale(self._scups['bt_t'], self._scups['bt_upsilon'], kBTE.T, self._scups['bt_c'], self._scups['bt_type']) upsilon = u.Quantity(np.where(upsilon > 0., upsilon, 0.)) return upsilon.T @cached_property @needs_dataset('elvlc', 'scups') @u.quantity_input def electron_collision_deexcitation_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: r""" Collisional de-excitation rate coefficient for electrons. According to Eq. 4.12 of :cite:t:`phillips_ultraviolet_2008`, the rate coefficient for collisional de-excitation is given by, .. math:: C^d_{ji} = I_Ha_0^2\sqrt{\frac{8\pi}{mk_B}}\frac{\Upsilon}{\omega_jT^{1/2}}, where :math:`j,i` are the upper and lower level indices, respectively, :math:`I_H` is the ionization potential for H, :math:`a_0` is the Bohr radius, :math:`\Upsilon` is the effective collision strength, and :math:`\omega_j` is the statistical weight of the level :math:`j`. See Also -------- electron_collision_excitation_rate : Excitation rate due to collisions effective_collision_strength : Maxwellian-averaged collision strength, :math:`\Upsilon` """ c = (const.h**2) / ((2. * np.pi * const.m_e)**(1.5) * np.sqrt(const.k_B)) upsilon = self.effective_collision_strength omega_upper = 2. * self._elvlc['J'][self._scups['upper_level'] - 1] + 1. return c * upsilon / np.sqrt(self.temperature[:, np.newaxis]) / omega_upper @cached_property @needs_dataset('elvlc', 'scups') @u.quantity_input def electron_collision_excitation_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: r""" Collisional excitation rate coefficient for electrons. The rate coefficient for collisional excitation is given by, .. math:: C^e_{ij} = \frac{\omega_j}{\omega_i}C^d_{ji}\exp{\left(-\frac{k_BT_e}{\Delta E_{ij}}\right)} where :math:`j,i` are the upper and lower level indices, respectively, :math:`\omega_j,\omega_i` are the statistical weights of the upper and lower levels, respectively, and :math:`\Delta E_{ij}` is the energy of the transition :cite:p:`phillips_ultraviolet_2008`. Parameters ---------- deexcitation_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Optionally specify deexcitation rate to speedup calculation See Also -------- electron_collision_deexcitation_rate : De-excitation rate due to collisions """ omega_upper = 2. * self._elvlc['J'][self._scups['upper_level'] - 1] + 1. omega_lower = 2. * self._elvlc['J'][self._scups['lower_level'] - 1] + 1. kBTE = np.outer(1./const.k_B/self.temperature, self._scups['delta_energy']) return omega_upper / omega_lower * self.electron_collision_deexcitation_rate * np.exp(-kBTE) @cached_property @needs_dataset('psplups') @u.quantity_input def proton_collision_excitation_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: """ Collisional excitation rate coefficient for protons. These excitation rates are stored in CHIANTI and then rescaled to the appropriate temperatures using the method of :cite:t:`burgess_analysis_1992`. See Also -------- proton_collision_deexcitation_rate electron_collision_excitation_rate """ # Create scaled temperature--these are not stored in the file bt_t = [np.linspace(0, 1, ups.shape[0]) for ups in self._psplups['bt_rate']] # Get excitation rates directly from scaled data kBTE = np.outer(const.k_B * self.temperature, 1.0 / self._psplups['delta_energy']) ex_rate = burgess_tully_descale(bt_t, self._psplups['bt_rate'], kBTE.T, self._psplups['bt_c'], self._psplups['bt_type']) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): return u.Quantity(np.where(ex_rate > 0., ex_rate, 0.),**3/u.s).T @cached_property @needs_dataset('elvlc', 'psplups') @u.quantity_input def proton_collision_deexcitation_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: r""" Collisional de-excitation rate coefficient for protons. As in the electron case, the proton collision de-excitation rate is given by, .. math:: C^{d,p}_{ji} = \frac{\omega_i}{\omega_j}\exp{\left(\frac{E}{k_BT}\right)}C^{e,p}_{ij} where :math:`C^{e,p}_{ji}` is the excitation rate due to collisions with protons. Note that :math:`T` is technically the proton temperature. In the case of a thermal plasma, the electron and proton temperatures are equal, :math:`T_e=T_p`. See Section 4.9.4 of :cite:t:`phillips_ultraviolet_2008` for additional information on proton collision rates. See Also -------- proton_collision_excitation_rate : Excitation rate due to collisions with protons """ kBTE = np.outer(const.k_B * self.temperature, 1.0 / self._psplups['delta_energy']) omega_upper = 2. * self._elvlc['J'][self._psplups['upper_level'] - 1] + 1. omega_lower = 2. * self._elvlc['J'][self._psplups['lower_level'] - 1] + 1. dex_rate = (omega_lower / omega_upper) * self.proton_collision_excitation_rate * np.exp(1. / kBTE) return dex_rate
[docs] @needs_dataset('elvlc', 'wgfa', 'scups') @u.quantity_input def level_populations(self, density:**(-3), include_protons=True, include_level_resolved_rate_correction=True, couple_density_to_temperature=False) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: """ Energy level populations as a function of temperature and density. Compute the level populations of the given ion as a function of temperature and density. This is done by solving the homogeneous linear system of equations describing the processes that populate and depopulate each energy level of each ion. Section 3 of :cite:t:`young_chianti_2016` provides a brief description of this set of equations. Parameters ---------- density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` include_protons : `bool`, optional If True (default), include proton excitation and de-excitation rates. include_level_resolved_rate_correction: `bool`, optional If True (default), include the level-resolved ionization and recombination rate correction in the resulting level populations as described in Section 2.3 of :cite:t:`landi_chianti-atomic_2006`. couple_density_to_temperature: `bool`, optional If True, the density will vary along the same axis as temperature in the computed level populations and the number of densities must be the same as the number of temperatures. This is useful, for example, when computing the level populations at constant pressure and is also much faster than computing the level populations along an independent density axis. By default, this is set to False. Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity` A ``(l, m, n)`` shaped quantity, where ``l`` is the number of temperatures, ``m`` is the number of densities, and ``n`` is the number of energy levels. If ``couple_density_to_temperature=True``, then ``m=1`` and ``l`` represents the number of temperatures and densities. """ density = np.atleast_1d(density) if couple_density_to_temperature: if density.shape != self.temperature.shape: raise ValueError('Temperature and density must be of equal length if density is ' 'coupled to the temperature axis.') level = self._elvlc['level'] lower_level = self._scups['lower_level'] upper_level = self._scups['upper_level'] coeff_matrix = np.zeros(self.temperature.shape + (level.max(), level.max(),))/u.s # Radiative decay out of current level coeff_matrix[:, level-1, level-1] -= vectorize_where_sum( self.transitions.upper_level, level, self.transitions.A.value) * self.transitions.A.unit # Radiative decay into current level from upper levels coeff_matrix[:, self.transitions.lower_level-1, self.transitions.upper_level-1] += ( self.transitions.A) # Collisional--electrons dex_rate_e = self.electron_collision_deexcitation_rate ex_rate_e = self.electron_collision_excitation_rate ex_diagonal_e = vectorize_where_sum( lower_level, level, ex_rate_e.value.T, 0).T * ex_rate_e.unit dex_diagonal_e = vectorize_where_sum( upper_level, level, dex_rate_e.value.T, 0).T * dex_rate_e.unit # Collisional--protons if include_protons: # NOTE: Cannot include protons if psplups data not available for this ion try: ex_rate_p = self.proton_collision_excitation_rate dex_rate_p = self.proton_collision_deexcitation_rate except MissingDatasetException: self.log.warning( f'No proton data available for {self.ion_name}. ' 'Not including proton excitation and de-excitation in level populations calculation.') include_protons = False # NOTE: Having two of the same if blocks here is ugly, but necessary. We cannot continue # with the proton rate calculation if the data is not available. if include_protons: lower_level_p = self._psplups['lower_level'] upper_level_p = self._psplups['upper_level'] pe_ratio = proton_electron_ratio(self.temperature, **self._instance_kwargs) if couple_density_to_temperature: proton_density = (pe_ratio * density)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] else: proton_density = np.outer(pe_ratio, density)[:, :, np.newaxis] ex_diagonal_p = vectorize_where_sum( lower_level_p, level, ex_rate_p.value.T, 0).T * ex_rate_p.unit dex_diagonal_p = vectorize_where_sum( upper_level_p, level, dex_rate_p.value.T, 0).T * dex_rate_p.unit # NOTE: The reason for this conditional is so that the loop below only # performs one iteration and the density value at that one iteration is # the entire density array such that density and temperature vary together if couple_density_to_temperature: density = [density] density_shape = (1,) else: density_shape = density.shape populations = np.zeros(self.temperature.shape + density_shape + (level.max(),)) # Populate density dependent terms and solve matrix equation for each density value for i, _d in enumerate(density): c_matrix = coeff_matrix.copy() # NOTE: the following manipulation is needed such that both # scalar densities (in the case of no n-T coupling) and arrays # (in the case of n-T coupling) can be multiplied by the multi- # dimensional excitation rates, whose leading dimension # corresponds to the temperature axis. d = np.atleast_1d(_d)[:, np.newaxis] # Collisional excitation and de-excitation out of current state c_matrix[:, level-1, level-1] -= d*(ex_diagonal_e + dex_diagonal_e) # De-excitation from upper states c_matrix[:, lower_level-1, upper_level-1] += d*dex_rate_e # Excitation from lower states c_matrix[:, upper_level-1, lower_level-1] += d*ex_rate_e # Same processes as above, but for protons if include_protons: d_p = proton_density[:, i, :] c_matrix[:, level-1, level-1] -= d_p*(ex_diagonal_p + dex_diagonal_p) c_matrix[:, lower_level_p-1, upper_level_p-1] += d_p * dex_rate_p c_matrix[:, upper_level_p-1, lower_level_p-1] += d_p * ex_rate_p # Invert matrix val, vec = np.linalg.eig(c_matrix.value) # Eigenvectors with eigenvalues closest to zero are the solutions to the homogeneous # system of linear equations # NOTE: Sometimes eigenvalues may have complex component due to numerical stability. # We will take only the real component as our rate matrix is purely real i_min = np.argmin(np.fabs(np.real(val)), axis=1) pop = np.take(np.real(vec), i_min, axis=2)[range(vec.shape[0]), :, range(vec.shape[0])] # NOTE: The eigenvectors can only be determined up to a sign so we must enforce # positivity np.fabs(pop, out=pop) np.divide(pop, pop.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis], out=pop) # Apply ionization/recombination correction if include_level_resolved_rate_correction: correction = self._population_correction(pop, d, c_matrix) pop *= correction np.divide(pop, pop.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis], out=pop) populations[:, i, :] = pop return u.Quantity(populations)
def _level_resolved_rates_interpolation(self, temperature_table, rate_table, extrapolate_above=False, extrapolate_below=False): # NOTE: According to CHIANTI Technical Report No. 20, Section 5, # the interpolation of the level resolved recombination, # the rates should be zero below the temperature range and above # the temperature range, the last two points should be used to perform # a linear extrapolation. For the ionization rates, the rates should be # zero above the temperature range and below the temperature range, the # last two points should be used. Thus, we need to perform two interpolations # for each level. # NOTE: In the CHIANTI IDL code, the interpolation is done using a cubic spline. # Here, the rates are interpolated using a Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating # Polynomial (PCHIP) which balances smoothness and also reduces the oscillations # that occur with higher order spline fits. This is needed mostly due to the wide # range over which this data is fit. temperature = self.temperature.to_value('K') rates = [] for t, r in zip(temperature_table.to_value('K'), rate_table.to_value('cm3 s-1')): rate_interp = PchipInterpolator(t, r, extrapolate=False)(temperature) # NOTE: Anything outside of the temperature range will be set to NaN by the # interpolation but we want these to be 0. rate_interp = np.where(np.isnan(rate_interp), 0, rate_interp) if extrapolate_above: f_extrapolate = interp1d(t[-2:], r[-2:], kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate') i_extrapolate = np.where(temperature > t[-1]) rate_interp[i_extrapolate] = f_extrapolate(temperature[i_extrapolate]) if extrapolate_below: f_extrapolate = interp1d(t[:2], r[:2], kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate') i_extrapolate = np.where(temperature < t[0]) rate_interp[i_extrapolate] = f_extrapolate(temperature[i_extrapolate]) rates.append(rate_interp) # NOTE: Take transpose to maintain consistent ordering of temperature in the leading # dimension and levels in the last dimension rates = u.Quantity(rates, 'cm3 s-1').T # NOTE: The linear extrapolation at either end may return rates < 0 so we set these # to zero. rates = np.where(rates<0, 0, rates) return rates @cached_property @needs_dataset('cilvl') @u.quantity_input def _level_resolved_ionization_rate(self): ionization_rates = self._level_resolved_rates_interpolation( self._cilvl['temperature'], self._cilvl['ionization_rate'], extrapolate_below=True, extrapolate_above=False, ) return self._cilvl['upper_level'], ionization_rates @cached_property @needs_dataset('reclvl') @u.quantity_input def _level_resolved_recombination_rate(self): recombination_rates = self._level_resolved_rates_interpolation( self._reclvl['temperature'], self._reclvl['recombination_rate'], extrapolate_below=False, extrapolate_above=True, ) return self._reclvl['upper_level'], recombination_rates @u.quantity_input def _population_correction(self, population, density, rate_matrix): """ Correct level population to account for ionization and recombination processes. Parameters ---------- population: `np.ndarray` density: `~astropy.units.Quantity` rate_matrix: `~astropy.units.Quantity` Returns ------- correction: `np.ndarray` Correction factor to multiply populations by """ # NOTE: These are done in separate try/except blocks because some ions have just a cilvl file, # some have just a reclvl file, and some have both. # NOTE: Ioneq values for surrounding ions are retrieved afterwards because first and last ions do # not have previous or next ions but also do not have reclvl or cilvl files. # NOTE: stripping the units off and adding them at the end because of some strange astropy # Quantity behavior that does not allow for adding these two compatible shapes together. numerator = np.zeros(population.shape) try: upper_level_ionization, ionization_rate = self._level_resolved_ionization_rate ioneq_previous = self.previous_ion().ioneq.value[:, np.newaxis] numerator[:, upper_level_ionization-1] += (ionization_rate * ioneq_previous).to_value('cm3 s-1') except MissingDatasetException: pass try: upper_level_recombination, recombination_rate = self._level_resolved_recombination_rate ioneq_next = self.next_ion().ioneq.value[:, np.newaxis] numerator[:, upper_level_recombination-1] += (recombination_rate * ioneq_next).to_value('cm3 s-1') except MissingDatasetException: pass numerator *= density.to_value('cm-3') c = rate_matrix.to_value('s-1').copy() # This excludes processes that depopulate the level i_diag, j_diag = np.diag_indices(c.shape[1]) c[:, i_diag, j_diag] = 0.0 # Sum of the population-weighted excitations from lower levels # and cascades from higher levels denominator = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', c, population) denominator *= self.ioneq.value[:, np.newaxis] # Set any zero entries to NaN to avoid divide by zero warnings denominator = np.where(denominator==0.0, np.nan, denominator) ratio = numerator / denominator # Set ratio to zero where denominator is zero. This also covers the # case of out-of-bounds ionization fractions (which will be NaN) ratio = np.where(np.isfinite(ratio), ratio, 0.0) # NOTE: Correction should not affect the ground state populations ratio[:, 0] = 0.0 return 1.0 + ratio
[docs] @needs_dataset('abundance', 'elvlc') @u.quantity_input def contribution_function(self, density:**(-3), **kwargs) ->**3 * u.erg / u.s: r""" Contribution function :math:`G(n_e,T)` for all transitions. The contribution function for ion :math:`k` of element :math:`X` for a particular transition :math:`ij` is given by, .. math:: G_{ij} = \mathrm{Ab}(X)f_{X,k}N_jA_{ij}\Delta E_{ij}\frac{1}{n_e}, Note that the contribution function is often defined in differing ways by different authors. The contribution function is defined as above in :cite:t:`young_chianti_2016`. The corresponding wavelengths can be retrieved with, .. code-block:: python ion.transitions.wavelength[~ion.transitions.is_twophoton] .. important:: The ratio :math:`n_H/n_e`, which is often approximated as :math:`n_H/n_e\approx0.83`, is explicitly not included here. This means that when computing an intensity with the result of this function, the accompanying emission measure is :math:`\mathrm{EM}=\mathrm{d}hn_Hn_e` rather than :math:`n_e^2`. Parameters ---------- density: `~astropy.units.Quantity` Electron number density couple_density_to_temperature: `bool`, optional If True, the density will vary along the same axis as temperature in the computed level populations. The number of densities must be the same as the number of temperatures. This is useful, for example, when computing the level populations at constant pressure and is also much faster than computing the level populations along an independent density axis. By default, this is set to False. Returns ------- g: `~astropy.units.Quantity` A ``(l, m, k)`` shaped quantity, where ``l`` is the number of temperatures, ``m`` is the number of densities, and ``k`` is the number of transitions corresponding to the transition wavelengths described above. If ``couple_density_to_temperature=True``, then ``m=1`` and ``l`` represents the number of temperatures and densities. See Also -------- level_populations """ couple_density_to_temperature = kwargs.get('couple_density_to_temperature', False) populations = self.level_populations(density, **kwargs) if couple_density_to_temperature: term = self.ioneq / density term = term[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] else: term = np.outer(self.ioneq, 1./density) term = term[:, :, np.newaxis] term *= self.abundance # Exclude two-photon transitions upper_level = self.transitions.upper_level[~self.transitions.is_twophoton] wavelength = self.transitions.wavelength[~self.transitions.is_twophoton] A = self.transitions.A[~self.transitions.is_twophoton] energy = const.h * const.c / wavelength i_upper = vectorize_where(self._elvlc['level'], upper_level) g = term * populations[:, :, i_upper] * (A * energy) return g
[docs] @u.quantity_input def emissivity(self, density:**(-3), **kwargs) -> u.erg ***(-3) / u.s: r""" Emissivity as a function of temperature and density for all transitions. The emissivity is given by the expression, .. math:: \epsilon(n_e,T) = G(n_e,T)n_Hn_e where :math:`G` is the contribution function, :math:`n_H` is the H (or proton) density, :math:`n_e` is the electron density, and :math:`T` is the temperature. Note that, like the contribution function, emissivity is often defined in in differing ways by different authors. Here, we use the definition of the emissivity as given by Eq. 3 of :cite:t:`young_chianti_2016`. .. note:: The H number density, :math:`n_H`, is computed using ``density`` combined with the output of `~fiasco.proton_electron_ratio`. Parameters ---------- density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Electron number density. couple_density_to_temperature: `bool`, optional If True, the density will vary along the same axis as temperature in the computed level populations. The number of densities must be the same as the number of temperatures. This is useful, for example, when computing the level populations at constant pressure and is also much faster than computing the level populations along an independent density axis. By default, this is set to False. Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity` A ``(l, m, k)`` shaped quantity, where ``l`` is the number of temperatures, ``m`` is the number of densities, and ``k`` is the number of transitions corresponding to the transition wavelengths described in `contribution_function`. If ``couple_density_to_temperature=True``, then ``m=1`` and ``l`` represents the number of temperatures and densities. See Also -------- contribution_function : Calculate contribution function, :math:`G(n,T)` """ density = np.atleast_1d(density) pe_ratio = proton_electron_ratio(self.temperature, **self._instance_kwargs) pe_ratio = pe_ratio[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] g = self.contribution_function(density, **kwargs) density_squared = density**2 couple_density_to_temperature = kwargs.get('couple_density_to_temperature', False) if couple_density_to_temperature: density_squared = density_squared[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] else: density_squared = density_squared[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] return g * pe_ratio * density_squared
[docs] @u.quantity_input def intensity(self, density:**(-3), emission_measure:**(-5), **kwargs) -> u.erg /**2 / u.s / u.steradian: r""" Line-of-sight intensity computed assuming a particular column emission measure. The intensity along the line-of-sight can be written as, .. math:: I = \frac{1}{4\pi}\int\mathrm{d}T,G(n,T)n_Hn_e\frac{dh}{dT} which, in the isothermal approximation, can be simplified to, .. math:: I(T_0) \approx \frac{1}{4\pi}G(n,T_0)\mathrm{EM}(T_0) where, .. math:: \mathrm{EM}(T) = \int\mathrm{d}h\,n_Hn_e is the column emission measure. Parameters ---------- density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Electron number density emission_measure : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Column emission measure. Must be either a scalar, an array of length 1, or an array with the same length as ``temperature``. Note that it is assumed that the emission measure is the product of the H and electron density. couple_density_to_temperature: `bool`, optional If True, the density will vary along the same axis as temperature. The number of densities must be the same as the number of temperatures. This is useful, for example, when computing the intensities at constant pressure and is also much faster than computing the intensity along an independent density axis. By default, this is set to False. Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity` A ``(l, m, k)`` shaped quantity, where ``l`` is the number of temperatures, ``m`` is the number of densities, and ``k`` is the number of transitions corresponding to the transition wavelengths described in `contribution_function`. If ``couple_density_to_temperature=True``, then ``m=1`` and ``l`` represents the number of temperatures and densities. """ emission_measure = np.atleast_1d(emission_measure) g = self.contribution_function(density, **kwargs) return 1/(4.*np.pi*u.steradian) * g * emission_measure[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
[docs] def spectrum(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Construct the spectrum using a given filter over a specified wavelength range. All arguments are passed directly to `fiasco.IonCollection.spectrum`. See Also -------- fiasco.IonCollection.spectrum : Compute spectrum for multiple ions intensity : Compute LOS intensity for all transitions """ return IonCollection(self).spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
@cached_property @needs_dataset('ip') @u.quantity_input def direct_ionization_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: r""" Total ionization rate due to collisions as a function of temperature. The ionization rate due to the collisions with free electrons can be written as the integral of the velocity-weighted collisional cross-section over the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Following Section 3.5.1 of :cite:t:`del_zanna_solar_2018`, this can be written as, .. math:: C^I = \sqrt{\frac{8}{\pi m_e}}(k_BT)^{-3/2}\int_I^{\infty}\mathrm{d}E\,E\sigma_I(E)\exp{\left(-\frac{E}{k_BT}\right)} where :math:`E` is the energy of the incident electron, :math:`I` is the ionization energy of the initially bound electron, and :math:`\sigma_I` is the ionization cross-section. Making the substitution :math:`x=(E-I)/k_BT`, the above integral can be rewritten as, .. math:: \begin{aligned} C^I = \sqrt{\frac{8k_BT}{\pi m_e}}\exp{\left(-\frac{I}{k_BT}\right)}&\left(\int_0^{\infty}\mathrm{d}x\,x\sigma_{I}(k_BTx+I)e^{-x} \right. \\ &\left. + \frac{I}{k_BT}\int_0^{\infty}\mathrm{d}x\,\sigma_{I}(k_BTx+I)e^{-x}\right). \end{aligned} Each of these integrals is of the form such that they can be evaluated using Gauss-Laguerre quadrature. Note that there is a typo in the expression for the ionization rate integral in Eq. 32 of :cite:t:`del_zanna_solar_2018`. The details of the ionization cross-section calculation can be found in `direct_ionization_cross_section`. See Also -------- direct_ionization_cross_section : Calculation of :math:`\sigma_I` as a function of :math:`E`. """ xgl, wgl = np.polynomial.laguerre.laggauss(12) kBT = const.k_B * self.temperature energy = np.outer(xgl, kBT) + self.ip cross_section = self.direct_ionization_cross_section(energy) term1 = np.sqrt(8./np.pi/const.m_e)*np.sqrt(kBT)*np.exp(-self.ip/kBT) term2 = ((wgl*xgl)[:, np.newaxis]*cross_section).sum(axis=0) term3 = (wgl[:, np.newaxis]*cross_section).sum(axis=0)*self.ip/kBT return term1*(term2 + term3)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def direct_ionization_cross_section(self, energy: u.erg) ->**2: r""" Direct ionization cross-section as a function of energy. The direction ionization cross-section is calculated one of two ways. See :cite:t:`dere_ionization_2007`, Sections 3.1 and 3.2 for details. For H-like ions with :math:`Z\ge6` and He-like ions with :math:`Z\ge10`, the cross-section is computed according to the method of :cite:t:`fontes_fully_1999`, .. math:: \sigma_I = B\frac{\pi a_0^2}{I^2}Q_R where :math:`B=1` for H-like ions and :math:`B=2` for He-like ions, :math:`I` is the ionization energy (expressed in Ry), :math:`a_0` is the Bohr radius, and :math:`Q_R` is a reduced cross-section which can be approximated by the fitting formula given in Eqs. 2.10, 2.11, and 2.12 of :cite:t:`fontes_fully_1999`. For all other ions, the cross-section is computed according to the method of :cite:t:`dere_ionization_2007` which employs a scaling similar to that used by :cite:t:`burgess_analysis_1992`. Rearranging Eq. 3 of :cite:t:`dere_ionization_2007`, .. math:: \sigma_I = \frac{\Sigma (\log{u} + 1)}{uI^2} where :math:`u=E/I` is the energy of the incident electron scaled by ionization potential and :math:`\Sigma` is the scaled cross-section which is defined over, .. math:: U = 1 - \frac{\log{f}}{\log{u - 1 + f}} where :math:`f` is a fitting parameter. :math:`U,f,\Sigma` are all stored in the CHIANTI database such that :math:`\sigma_I` can be computed for a given :math:`E`. """ if ((self.hydrogenic and self.atomic_number >= 6) or (self.helium_like and self.atomic_number >= 10)): return self._fontes_cross_section(energy) else: return self._dere_cross_section(energy)
@needs_dataset('diparams') @u.quantity_input def _dere_cross_section(self, energy: u.erg) ->**2: # Cross-sections from diparams file cross_section_total = np.zeros(energy.shape) for ip, bt_c, bt_e, bt_cross_section in zip(self._diparams['ip'], self._diparams['bt_c'], self._diparams['bt_e'], self._diparams['bt_cross_section']): U = energy/ip scaled_energy = 1. - np.log(bt_c)/np.log(U - 1. + bt_c) f_interp = interp1d(bt_e, bt_cross_section, kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate') scaled_cross_section = f_interp(scaled_energy) * bt_cross_section.unit # Only nonzero at energies above the ionization potential scaled_cross_section *= (U > 1.) cross_section = scaled_cross_section * (np.log(U) + 1.) / U / (ip**2) if not hasattr(cross_section_total, 'unit'): cross_section_total = cross_section_total*cross_section.unit cross_section_total += cross_section return cross_section_total @needs_dataset('ip') @u.quantity_input def _fontes_cross_section(self, energy: u.erg) ->**2: U = energy/self.ip A = 1.13 B = 1 if self.hydrogenic else 2 F = 1 if self.atomic_number < 20 else (140 + (self.atomic_number/20)**3.2)/141 if self.atomic_number >= 16: c, d, C, D = -0.28394, 1.95270, 0.20594, 3.70590 if self.atomic_number > 20: C += ((self.atomic_number - 20)/50.5)**1.11 else: c, d, C, D = -0.80414, 2.32431, 0.14424, 3.82652 Qrp = 1./U * (A * np.log(U) + D * (1. - 1./U)**2 + C * U * (1. - 1./U)**4 + (c / U + d / U**2) * (1. - 1. / U)) # NOTE: conversion to Rydbergs equivalent to scaling to the ionization energy # of hydrogen such that it is effectively unitless return B * (np.pi * const.a0**2) * F * Qrp / (**2) @cached_property @needs_dataset('easplups') @u.quantity_input def excitation_autoionization_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: r""" Ionization rate due to excitation autoionization. Following Eq. 4.74 of :cite:t:`phillips_ultraviolet_2008`, the excitation autoionization rate is given by, .. math:: \alpha_{EA} = \frac{h^2}{(2\pi m_e)^{3/2}}(k_BT)^{-1/2}\sum_{lj}\Upsilon^{EA}_{lj}\exp{\left(-\frac{\Delta E_{lj}}{k_BT}\right)} where :math:`\Upsilon^{EA}` is the thermally-averaged excitation autoionization cross-section as stored in CHIANTI and includes the additional :math:`\omega_j` multiplicity factor compared to the expression in :cite:t:`phillips_ultraviolet_2008`. The sum is taken over inelastic collisions to level :math:`j` from a level :math:`l` below the ionization threshold. Additionally, note that the constant has been rewritten in terms of :math:`h` rather than :math:`I_H` and :math:`a_0`. """ c = (const.h**2)/((2. * np.pi * const.m_e)**(1.5) * np.sqrt(const.k_B)) kBTE = np.outer(const.k_B*self.temperature, 1.0/self._easplups['delta_energy']) # NOTE: Transpose here to make final dimensions compatible with multiplication with # temperature when computing rate kBTE = kBTE.T xs = [np.linspace(0, 1, ups.shape[0]) for ups in self._easplups['bt_upsilon']] upsilon = burgess_tully_descale(xs, self._easplups['bt_upsilon'].value, kBTE, self._easplups['bt_c'].value, self._easplups['bt_type']) # NOTE: The 1/omega multiplicity factor is already included in the scaled upsilon # values provided by CHIANTI rate = c * upsilon * np.exp(-1 / kBTE) / np.sqrt(self.temperature) return rate.sum(axis=0) @cached_property @u.quantity_input def ionization_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: r""" Total ionization rate as a function of temperature. The total ionization rate, as a function of temperature, for a given ion is the sum of the direct ionization and excitation autoionization rates such that, .. math:: \alpha_{I} = \alpha_{DI} + \alpha_{EA} See Also -------- direct_ionization_rate excitation_autoionization_rate """ try: di_rate = self.direct_ionization_rate except MissingDatasetException: di_rate = u.Quantity(np.zeros(self.temperature.shape), 'cm3 s-1') try: ea_rate = self.excitation_autoionization_rate except MissingDatasetException: ea_rate = u.Quantity(np.zeros(self.temperature.shape), 'cm3 s-1') return di_rate + ea_rate @cached_property @needs_dataset('rrparams') @u.quantity_input def radiative_recombination_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: r""" Radiative recombination rate as a function of temperature. The recombination rate due to interaction with the ambient radiation field is calculated using a set of fit parameters using one of two methods. The methodology used depends on the type of radiative recombination rate fitting coefficients available for the particular ion in the CHIANTI atomic database. The first method is given in Eq. 4 of :cite:t:`verner_atomic_1996` and Eq. 1 of :cite:t:`badnell_radiative_2006`, .. math:: \alpha_{RR} = A(\sqrt{T/T_0}(1 + \sqrt{T/T_0})^{1-B}(1 + \sqrt{T/T_1})^{1+B})^{-1} where :math:`A,B,T_0,T_1` are fitting coefficients provided for each ion in the CHIANTI atomic database. In some cases, the fitting coefficient :math:`B` is also modified as, .. math:: B \to B + Ce^{-T_2/T} where :math:`C` and :math:`T_2` are additional fitting coefficients (see Eq. 2 of :cite:t:`badnell_radiative_2006`). The second method is given by Eq. 4 of :cite:t:`shull_ionization_1982` and Eq. 1 of :cite:t:`verner_atomic_1996`, .. math:: \alpha_{RR} = A(T/T_0)^{-\eta} where :math:`A` and :math:`\eta` are fitting parameters provided in the CHIANTI atomic database and :math:`T_0=10^4` K. """ if self._rrparams['fit_type'][0] == 1 or self._rrparams['fit_type'][0] == 2: A = self._rrparams['A_fit'] B = self._rrparams['B_fit'] if self._rrparams['fit_type'] == 2: B = B + self._rrparams['C_fit']*np.exp(-self._rrparams['T2_fit']/self.temperature) T0 = self._rrparams['T0_fit'] T1 = self._rrparams['T1_fit'] return A/(np.sqrt(self.temperature/T0) * (1 + np.sqrt(self.temperature/T0))**(1. - B) * (1. + np.sqrt(self.temperature/T1))**(1. + B)) elif self._rrparams['fit_type'][0] == 3: return self._rrparams['A_fit'] * ( (self.temperature/(1e4*u.K))**(-self._rrparams['eta_fit'])) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized fit type {self._rrparams['fit_type']}") @cached_property @needs_dataset('drparams') @u.quantity_input def dielectronic_recombination_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: r""" Dielectronic recombination rate as a function of temperature. The dielectronic recombination rate, as a function of :math:`T`, is computed using one of two methods. The methodology used depends on the type of dielectronic recombination rate fitting coefficients available for the particular ion in the CHIANTI atomic database. The first method is given in Eq. 3 of :cite:t:`zatsarinny_dielectronic_2003`, .. math:: \alpha_{DR} = T^{-3/2}\sum_ic_ie^{-E_i/T} where :math:`c_i` and :math:`E_i` are fitting coefficients stored in the CHIANTI database. The second method is given by Eq. 5 of :cite:t:`shull_ionization_1982`, .. math:: \alpha_{DR} = A T^{-3/2}e^{-T_0/T}(1 + B e^{-T_1/T}) where :math:`A,B,T_0,T_1` are fitting coefficients stored in the CHIANTI database. """ if self._drparams['fit_type'][0] == 1: E_over_T = np.outer(self._drparams['E_fit'], 1./self.temperature) return self.temperature**(-1.5)*( self._drparams['c_fit'][:, np.newaxis]*np.exp(-E_over_T)).sum(axis=0) elif self._drparams['fit_type'][0] == 2: A = self._drparams['A_fit'] B = self._drparams['B_fit'] T0 = self._drparams['T0_fit'] T1 = self._drparams['T1_fit'] return A * self.temperature**(-1.5) * np.exp(-T0/self.temperature) * ( 1. + B * np.exp(-T1/self.temperature)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized fit type {self._drparams['fit_type']}") @cached_property @needs_dataset('trparams') @u.quantity_input def _total_recombination_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: temperature_data = self._trparams['temperature'].to_value('K') rate_data = self._trparams['recombination_rate'].to_value('cm3 s-1') f_interp = interp1d(temperature_data, rate_data, fill_value='extrapolate', kind='cubic') f_interp = PchipInterpolator(np.log10(temperature_data), np.log10(rate_data), extrapolate=True) rate_interp = 10**f_interp(np.log10(self.temperature.to_value('K'))) return u.Quantity(rate_interp, 'cm3 s-1') @cached_property @u.quantity_input def recombination_rate(self) ->**3 / u.s: r""" Total recombination rate as a function of temperature. The total recombination rate, as a function of temperature, for a given ion is the sum of the radiative and dielectronic recombination rates such that, .. math:: \alpha_{R} = \alpha_{RR} + \alpha_{DR} .. important:: For most ions, this total recombination rate is computed by summing the outputs of the `radiative_recombination_rate` and `dielectronic_recombination_rate` methods. However, for some ions, total recombination rate data is available in the so-called ``.trparams`` files. For these ions, the output of this method will *not* be equal to the sum of the `dielectronic_recombination_rate` and `radiative_recombination_rate` method. As such, when computing the total recombination rate, this method should always be used. See Also -------- radiative_recombination_rate dielectronic_recombination_rate """ # NOTE: If the trparams data is available, then it is prioritized over the sum # of the dielectronic and radiative recombination rates. This is also how the # total recombination rates are computed in IDL. The reasoning here is that the # total recombination rate data, if available, is more reliable than the sum of # the radiative and dielectronic recombination rates. According to P. Young, there # is some slight controversy over this within some communities, but CHIANTI has chosen # to prioritize this data if it exists. try: tr_rate = self._total_recombination_rate except MissingDatasetException: self.log.debug(f'No total recombination data available for {self.ion_name}.') else: return tr_rate try: rr_rate = self.radiative_recombination_rate except MissingDatasetException: self.log.debug(f'No radiative recombination data available for {self.ion_name}.') rr_rate = u.Quantity(np.zeros(self.temperature.shape), 'cm3 s-1') try: dr_rate = self.dielectronic_recombination_rate except MissingDatasetException: self.log.debug(f'No dielectronic recombination data available for {self.ion_name}.') dr_rate = u.Quantity(np.zeros(self.temperature.shape), 'cm3 s-1') return rr_rate + dr_rate
[docs] @u.quantity_input def free_free(self, wavelength: u.angstrom) -> u.erg ***3 / u.s / u.angstrom: r""" Free-free continuum emission as a function of temperature and wavelength. .. note:: This does not include ionization fraction or abundance factors. Free-free emission, also known as *bremsstrahlung* (or “braking radiation”), is produced when an ion interacts with a free electron, reduces the momentum of the free electron, and, by conservation of energy and momentum, produces a photon. According to Eq. 4.114 of :cite:t:`phillips_ultraviolet_2008` the free-free emission produced by a thermal distribution of electrons as a function of temperature and wavelength is given by, .. math:: C_{ff}(\lambda,T_e) = \frac{c}{3m_e}\left(\frac{\alpha h}{\pi}\right)^3\sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{3m_ek_B}}\frac{z^2}{\lambda^2T_e^{1/2}}\exp{\left(-\frac{hc}{\lambda k_BT_e}\right)}\langle g_{ff}\rangle, where :math:`\alpha` is the fine-structure constant, :math:`z` is the charge of the ion, and :math:`\langle g_{ff}\rangle` is the velocity-averaged free-free Gaunt factor. Parameters ---------- wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Notes ----- The result does not include ionization equilibrium or abundance factors. See Also -------- gaunt_factor_free_free fiasco.IonCollection.free_free: Includes abundance and ionization equilibrium """ prefactor = (const.c / 3. / const.m_e * (const.alpha * const.h / np.pi)**3 * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi / 3. / const.m_e / const.k_B)) tmp = np.outer(self.temperature, wavelength) exp_factor = np.exp(-const.h * const.c / const.k_B / tmp) / (wavelength**2) gf = self.gaunt_factor_free_free(wavelength) return (prefactor * self.charge_state**2 * exp_factor * gf / np.sqrt(self.temperature)[:, np.newaxis])
[docs] @u.quantity_input def gaunt_factor_free_free(self, wavelength: u.angstrom) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: r""" Free-free Gaunt factor as a function of wavelength. The free-free Gaunt factor is calculated from a lookup table of temperature averaged free-free Gaunt factors from Table 2 of :cite:t:`sutherland_accurate_1998` as a function of :math:`\log{\gamma^2},\log{u}`, where :math:`\gamma^2=Z^2\mathrm{Ry}/k_BT` and :math:`u=hc/\lambda k_BT`. For the regime, :math:`6<\log_{10}(T)< 8.5` and :math:`-4<\log_{10}(u)<1`, the above prescription is replaced with the fitting formula of :cite:t:`itoh_relativistic_2000` for the relativistic free-free Gaunt factor. This is given by Eq. 4 of :cite:t:`itoh_relativistic_2000`, .. math:: g_{ff} = \sum_{i,j=0}^{10} a_{ij}t^iU^j, where :math:`t=(\log{T} - 7.25)/1.25` and :math:`U=(\log{u} + 1.5)/2.5`. """ gf_itoh = self._gaunt_factor_free_free_itoh(wavelength) gf_sutherland = self._gaunt_factor_free_free_sutherland(wavelength) gf = np.where(np.isnan(gf_itoh), gf_sutherland, gf_itoh) return gf
@needs_dataset('itoh') @u.quantity_input def _gaunt_factor_free_free_itoh(self, wavelength: u.angstrom) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: log10_temperature = np.log10( # calculate scaled energy and temperature tmp = np.outer(self.temperature, wavelength) lower_u = const.h * const.c / const.k_B / tmp upper_u = 1. / 2.5 * (np.log10(lower_u) + 1.5) t = 1. / 1.25 * (log10_temperature - 7.25) itoh_coefficients = self._itoh['a'] # calculate Gaunt factor gf = u.Quantity(np.zeros(upper_u.shape)) for j in range(11): for i in range(11): gf += (itoh_coefficients[i, j] * (t**i))[:, np.newaxis] * (upper_u**j) # apply NaNs where Itoh approximation is not valid gf = np.where(np.logical_and(np.log10(lower_u) >= -4., np.log10(lower_u) <= 1.0), gf, np.nan) gf[np.where(np.logical_or(log10_temperature <= 6.0, log10_temperature >= 8.5)), :] = np.nan return gf @needs_dataset('gffgu') @u.quantity_input def _gaunt_factor_free_free_sutherland(self, wavelength: u.angstrom) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: Ry = const.h * const.c * const.Ryd tmp = np.outer(self.temperature, wavelength) lower_u = const.h * const.c / const.k_B / tmp gamma_squared = ((self.charge_state**2) * Ry / const.k_B / self.temperature[:, np.newaxis] * np.ones(lower_u.shape)) # NOTE: This escape hatch avoids a divide-by-zero warning as we cannot take log10 # of 0. This does not matter as the free-free continuum will be 0 for zero charge # state anyway. if self.charge_state == 0: return u.Quantity(np.zeros(lower_u.shape)) # convert to index coordinates i_lower_u = (np.log10(lower_u) + 4.) * 10. i_gamma_squared = (np.log10(gamma_squared) + 4.) * 5. indices = [i_gamma_squared.flatten(), i_lower_u.flatten()] # interpolate data to scaled quantities # FIXME: interpolate without reshaping? gf_data = self._gffgu['gaunt_factor'].reshape( np.unique(self._gffgu['u']).shape[0], np.unique(self._gffgu['gamma_squared']).shape[0], ) gf = map_coordinates(gf_data, indices, order=1, mode='nearest').reshape(lower_u.shape) return u.Quantity(np.where(gf < 0., 0., gf))
[docs] @needs_dataset('fblvl', 'ip') @u.quantity_input def free_bound(self, wavelength: u.angstrom, use_verner=True) -> u.Unit('erg cm3 s-1 Angstrom-1'): r""" Free-bound continuum emission of the recombined ion. .. note:: This does not include the ionization fraction or abundance factors. Unlike the equivalent IDL routine, the output here is not expressed per steradian and as such the factor of :math:`1/4\pi` is not included. When an electron is captured by an ion of charge :math:`z+1` (the recombining ion), it creates a an ion of charge :math:`z` (the recombined ion) and produces a continuum of emission called the free-bound continuum. The emission of the recombined ion is given by, .. math:: C_{fb}(\lambda, T) = \frac{2}{hc^3(k_B m_e)^{3/2}\sqrt{2\pi}}\frac{E^5}{T^{3/2}}\sum_i\frac{\omega_i}{\omega_0}\sigma_i^{\mathrm{bf}}\exp{\left(-\frac{E-I_i}{k_BT}\right)} where :math:`E` is the energy of the outgoing photon, :math:`\omega_i,\omega_0` are the statistical weights of the :math:`i`-th level of the recombined ion and the ground level of the recombining ion, respectively, :math:`\sigma_i^{\mathrm{bf}}` is the free-bound cross-section, and :math:`I_i` is the energy required to ionize the recombined ion from level :math:`i`. A detailed derivation of this formula can be found in `CHIANTI Technical Report No. 12 <>`_. For ground state transitions, the photoionization cross-section :math:`\sigma_i^{\mathrm{bf}}` is evaluated using Eq. 1 of :cite:t:`verner_analytic_1995` if ``use_verner`` is set to True. For all other transitions, and in all cases if ``use_verner`` is set to False, :math:`\sigma_i^{\mathrm{bf}}` is evaluated using the method of :cite:t:`karzas_electron_1961`. Parameters ---------- wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity` use_verner : `bool`, optional If True, evaluate ground-state cross-sections using method of :cite:t:`verner_analytic_1995`. """ wavelength = np.atleast_1d(wavelength) prefactor = (2/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/(const.h*(const.c**3) * (const.m_e * const.k_B)**(3/2))) recombining = self.next_ion() omega_0 = recombining._fblvl['multiplicity'][0] if recombining._has_dataset('fblvl') else 1.0 E_photon = const.h * const.c / wavelength energy_temperature_factor = np.outer(self.temperature**(-3/2), E_photon**5) # Fill in observed energies with theoretical energies E_obs = self._fblvl['E_obs']*const.h*const.c E_th = self._fblvl['E_th']*const.h*const.c level_fb = self._fblvl['level'] use_theoretical = np.logical_and(E_obs==0*u.erg, level_fb!=1) E_fb = np.where(use_theoretical, E_th, E_obs) # Sum over levels of recombined ion sum_factor = u.Quantity(np.zeros(self.temperature.shape + wavelength.shape), 'cm^2') for omega, E, n, L, level in zip(self._fblvl['multiplicity'], E_fb, self._fblvl['n'], self._fblvl['L'], level_fb): # Energy required to ionize ion from level i E_ionize = self.ip - E # Check if ionization potential and photon energy sufficient if (E_ionize < 0*u.erg) or (E_photon.max() < E): continue # Only use Verner cross-section for ground state if level == 1 and use_verner: cross_section = self._verner_cross_section(E_photon) else: cross_section = self._karzas_cross_section(E_photon, E_ionize, n, L) E_scaled = np.outer(1/(const.k_B*self.temperature), E_photon - E_ionize) # Scaled energy can blow up at low temperatures; not an issue when cross-section is 0 E_scaled[:, np.where(cross_section == 0*cross_section.unit)] = 0.0 sum_factor += omega / omega_0 * np.exp(-E_scaled) * cross_section return (prefactor * energy_temperature_factor * sum_factor)
@needs_dataset('verner') @u.quantity_input def _verner_cross_section(self, energy: u.erg) ->**2: """ Ground state photoionization cross-section using the method of :cite:t:`verner_analytic_1995`. Parameters ---------- energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Photon energy References ---------- .. [1] Verner & Yakovlev, 1995, A&AS, `109, 125 <>`_ """ # decompose simplifies units and makes sure y is unitless y = (energy / self._verner['E_0_fit']).decompose() Q = 5.5 + self._verner['l'] - 0.5*self._verner['P_fit'] F = ((y - 1)**2 + self._verner['y_w_fit']**2) * (y**(-Q))*( 1. + np.sqrt(y / self._verner['y_a_fit']))**(-self._verner['P_fit']) return np.where(energy < self._verner['E_thresh'], 0., F.decompose().value) * self._verner['sigma_0'] @needs_dataset('klgfb') @u.quantity_input def _karzas_cross_section(self, photon_energy: u.erg, ionization_energy: u.erg, n, l) ->**2: """ Photoionization cross-section using the method of :cite:t:`karzas_electron_1961`. Parameters ---------- photon_energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy of emitted photon ionization_energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Ionization potential of recombined ion for level ``n`` n : `int` Principal quantum number l : `int` Orbital angular momentum number """ prefactor = (2**4)*const.h*(const.e.gauss**2)/(3*np.sqrt(3)*const.m_e*const.c) index_nl = np.where(np.logical_and(self._klgfb['n'] == n, self._klgfb['l'] == l))[0] # If there is no Gaunt factor for n, l, set it to 1 if index_nl.shape == (0,): gaunt_factor = 1 else: E_scaled = np.log(photon_energy/ionization_energy) gf_interp = splrep(self._klgfb['log_pe'][index_nl, :].squeeze(), self._klgfb['log_gaunt_factor'][index_nl, :].squeeze()) gaunt_factor = np.exp(splev(E_scaled, gf_interp)) cross_section = prefactor * ionization_energy**2 * photon_energy**(-3) * gaunt_factor / n cross_section[np.where(photon_energy < ionization_energy)] = 0.*cross_section.unit return cross_section
[docs] @needs_dataset('elvlc') @u.quantity_input def two_photon(self, wavelength: u.angstrom, electron_density:**(-3), include_protons=False) -> u.Unit('erg cm3 s-1 Angstrom-1'): r""" Two-photon continuum emission of a hydrogenic or helium-like ion. .. note:: Does not include ionization equilibrium or abundance. Unlike the equivalent IDL routine, the output here is not expressed per steradian and as such the factor of :math:`1/4\pi` is not included. In hydrogen-like ions, the transition :math:`2S_{1/2} \rightarrow 1S_{1/2} + h\nu` cannot occur as an electric dipole transition, but only as a much slower magnetic dipole transition. The dominant transition then becomes :math:`2S_{1/2} \rightarrow 1S_{1/2} + h\nu_{1} + h\nu_{2}`. In helium-like ions, the transition from :math:`1s2s ^{1}S_{0} \rightarrow 1s^{2}\ ^{1}S_{0} + h\nu` is forbidden under quantum selection rules since :math:`\Delta J = 0`. Similarly, the dominant transition becomes :math:`1s2s ^{1}S_{0} \rightarrow 1s^{2}\ ^{1}S_{0} + h\nu_{1} + h\nu_{2}`. In both cases, the energy of the two photons emitted equals the energy difference of the two levels. As a consequence, no photons can be emitted beneath the rest wavelength for a given transition. See the introduction of :cite:t:`drake_1986` for a concise description of the process. The emission is given by .. math:: C_{2p}(\lambda, T, n_{e}) = hc \frac{n_{j}(X^{+m}) A_{ji} \lambda_{0} \psi(\frac{\lambda_{0}}{\lambda})}{\psi_{\text{norm}}\lambda^{3}} where :math:`\lambda_{0}` is rest wavelength of the (disallowed) transition, :math:`A_{ji}` is the Einstein spontaneous emission coefficient, :math:`\psi` is so-called spectral distribution function, given approximately by :math:`\psi(y) \approx 2.623 \sqrt{\cos{\Big(\pi(y-\frac{1}{2})\Big)}}` :cite:p:`gronenschild_twophoton_1978`, :math:`\psi_{\text{norm}}` is a normalization factor for hydrogen-like ions such that :math:`\frac{1}{\psi_{\text{norm}}} \int_{0}^{1} \psi(y) dy = 2` (and 1 for helium-like ions), and :math:`n_{j}(X^{+m})` is the density of ions m of element X in excited state j, given by :math:`n_{j}(X^{+m}) = \frac{n_{j}(X^{+m})}{n(X^{+m})} \frac{n(X^{+m})}{n(X)} \frac{n(X)}{n_{H}} \frac{n_{H}}{n_{e}} n_{e}`. Parameters ---------- wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity` electron_density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` include_protons : `bool`, optional If True, use proton excitation and de-excitation rates in the level population calculation. """ wavelength = np.atleast_1d(wavelength) electron_density = np.atleast_1d(electron_density) final_shape = wavelength.shape + self.temperature.shape + electron_density.shape if self.hydrogenic: A_ji = self._hseq['A'] psi_norm = self._hseq['psi_norm'] cubic_spline = CubicSpline(self._hseq['y'], self._hseq['psi']) config = '2s' # Get the index of the 2S1/2 state for H-like J = 0.5 elif self.helium_like: A_ji = self._heseq['A'] psi_norm = 1.0 * u.dimensionless_unscaled cubic_spline = CubicSpline(self._heseq['y'], self._heseq['psi']) config = '1s.2s' # Get the index of the 1s2s 1S0 state for He-like: J = 0 else: return u.Quantity(np.zeros(final_shape), 'erg cm^3 s^-1 Angstrom^-1') level_index = np.where((self._elvlc['config'] == config) & (np.isclose(self._elvlc['J'], J)) )[0][0] E_obs = self._elvlc['E_obs'][level_index] E_th = self._elvlc['E_th'][level_index] E_2p = E_obs if E_obs > 0.0 else E_th rest_wavelength = 1 / E_2p psi_interp = cubic_spline((rest_wavelength / wavelength).decompose()) psi_interp = np.where(wavelength < rest_wavelength, 0.0, psi_interp) energy_dist = (A_ji * rest_wavelength * psi_interp) / (psi_norm * wavelength**3) level_population = self.level_populations(electron_density, include_protons=include_protons) level_population = level_population[..., level_index] level_density = level_population / electron_density matrix = np.outer(energy_dist, level_density).reshape(*final_shape) return const.h * const.c * matrix