fiasco currently only supports version 8 of the CHIANTI database.

Source code for

Base class for file parser
import astropy.units as u
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pathlib
import warnings

from astropy.table import QTable
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

import fiasco

from fiasco.util.exceptions import MissingASCIIFileError
from fiasco.util.util import read_chianti_version

[docs] class GenericParser: """ Base class for CHIANTI file parsers """ dtypes = [] units = [] headings = [] descriptions = [] def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): self.filename = filename self.ascii_dbase_root = pathlib.Path(kwargs.get('ascii_dbase_root', fiasco.defaults['ascii_dbase_root'])) standalone = kwargs.get('standalone', False) # Cannot supply a version number if this is a standalone file if standalone: self.chianti_version = '' else: version = read_chianti_version(self.ascii_dbase_root) self.chianti_version = f"{version}" self.full_path = pathlib.Path(filename) if standalone else self.ascii_dbase_root / self.filename
[docs] def parse(self): """ Generate Astropy QTable from a CHIANTI ion file """ # NOTE: put this here and not in __init__ as __init__ may be overwritten in a subclass if not self.full_path.is_file(): raise MissingASCIIFileError(f'Could not find file {self.full_path}') with as f: lines = f.readlines() table = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): # Footer denotes end of file and is fenced by -1's if line.strip() == '-1' or r'%file' in line: # sometimes the first -1 is missing break else: self.preprocessor(table, line, i) df = QTable(data=list(map(list, zip(*table))), names=self.headings) # This cataches a warning thrown when we convert a staggered array into # a unitful column. This happens in several of the scups files for the # bt_t, bt_type, bt_upsilon columns. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=AstropyUserWarning) for name, unit, dtype in zip(self.headings, self.units, self.dtypes): df[name].unit = unit df[name] = df[name].astype(dtype) df.meta['footer'] = self.extract_footer(lines) df.meta['chianti_version'] = self.chianti_version df = self.postprocessor(df) return df
[docs] def preprocessor(self, table, line, *args): """ Default preprocessor method run on each line ingested. """ if hasattr(self, 'fformat'): line = else: line = line.strip().split() line = [item.strip() if isinstance(item, str) else item for item in line] table.append(line)
[docs] def postprocessor(self, df): """ Default postprocessor method run on the whole dataframe """ df.meta['filename'] = self.filename df.meta['descriptions'] = {h: d for h, d in zip(self.headings, self.descriptions)} return df
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('No method for converting QTable to HDF5')
[docs] class GenericIonParser(GenericParser): """ Base class for CHIANTI files attached to a particular ion """ def __init__(self, ion_filename, **kwargs): super().__init__(ion_filename, **kwargs) self.dielectronic = False self.ion_name = pathlib.Path(self.filename).stem if self.ion_name and self.ion_name[-1] == 'd': self.dielectronic = True self.ion_name = self.ion_name[:-1] self.element = self.ion_name.split('_')[0] if kwargs.get('standalone', False): self.full_path = pathlib.Path(self.filename) else: self.full_path = self.ascii_dbase_root / self.element / pathlib.Path(self.filename).stem / self.filename
[docs] def postprocessor(self, df): df = super().postprocessor(df) df.meta['element'] = self.element df.meta['ion'] = self.ion_name df.meta['dielectronic'] = self.dielectronic return df
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, hf, df, **kwargs): """ Add datasets to a group for an HDF5 file handler """ if self.dielectronic: grp_name = '/'.join([self.element, self.ion_name, 'dielectronic', self.filetype]) else: grp_name = '/'.join([self.element, self.ion_name, self.filetype]) if grp_name not in hf: grp = hf.create_group(grp_name) grp.attrs['chianti_version'] = df.meta['chianti_version'] grp.attrs['footer'] = df.meta['footer'] else: grp = hf[grp_name] hf['/'.join([self.element, self.ion_name])].attrs['element'] = self.element hf['/'.join([self.element, self.ion_name])].attrs['ion'] = self.ion_name for name in df.colnames: col = df[name] if type(col) == u.Quantity: data = col.value else: data = if '<U' in data.dtype.str: numchar = data.dtype.str[2:] data = data.astype(f'|S{numchar}') if name in grp: ds = grp[name] else: if data.dtype == np.dtype('O'): ragged_dtype = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=np.dtype('float64')) ds = grp.create_dataset(name, data=data, dtype=ragged_dtype) else: ds = grp.create_dataset(name, data=data, dtype=data.dtype) if col.unit is None: ds.attrs['unit'] = 'SKIP' else: ds.attrs['unit'] = col.unit.to_string() ds.attrs['description'] = df.meta['descriptions'][name]