fiasco currently only supports version 8 of the CHIANTI database.

Source code for

Source classes for CHIANTI filetypes not attached to ions
import astropy.units as u
import fortranformat
import numpy as np
import pathlib
import plasmapy

from astropy.table import Column

from import GenericParser

__all__ = ['AbundParser', 'IoneqParser', 'IpParser']

[docs] class AbundParser(GenericParser): filetype = 'abund' dtypes = [int, float, str] units = [None, u.dimensionless_unscaled, None] headings = ['Z', 'abundance', 'element'] descriptions = ['atomic number', 'abundance relative to H', 'element'] fformat = fortranformat.FortranRecordReader('(I3,F7.3,A5)') def __init__(self, abundance_filename, **kwargs): super().__init__(abundance_filename, **kwargs) self.full_path = pathlib.Path(kwargs.get('full_path', self.ascii_dbase_root / 'abundance' / self.filename))
[docs] def postprocessor(self, df): df['abundance'] = 10.**(df['abundance'] - df['abundance'][df['Z'] == 1]) # repair missing data if df['element'][0] == '': col = [] for atomic_number in df['Z']: col.append(plasmapy.particles.atomic_symbol(int(atomic_number))) df['element'] = Column(col) df = super().postprocessor(df) return df
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, hf, df): dataset_name = pathlib.Path(self.filename).stem footer = f"""{dataset_name} ------------------ {df.meta['footer']}""" for row in df: grp_name = '/'.join([row['element'].lower(), 'abundance']) if grp_name not in hf: grp = hf.create_group(grp_name) grp.attrs['footer'] = '' grp.attrs['chianti_version'] = df.meta['chianti_version'] else: grp = hf[grp_name] grp.attrs['footer'] += footer if dataset_name not in grp: ds = grp.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=row['abundance']) ds.attrs['unit'] = df['abundance'].unit.to_string() ds.attrs['description'] = df.meta['descriptions']['abundance']
[docs] class IoneqParser(GenericParser): filetype = 'ioneq' dtypes = [int, int, float, float] units = [None, None, u.K, u.dimensionless_unscaled] headings = ['Z', 'ion', 'temperature', 'ionization_fraction'] descriptions = ['atomic number', 'ion', 'temperature', 'ionization fraction'] def __init__(self, ioneq_filename, **kwargs): super().__init__(ioneq_filename, **kwargs) self.full_path = pathlib.Path(kwargs.get('full_path', self.ascii_dbase_root / 'ioneq' / self.filename))
[docs] def preprocessor(self, table, line, index): if index == 0: num_entries = int(line.strip().split()[0]) self.fformat_temperature = fortranformat.FortranRecordReader(f'{num_entries}F6.2') self.fformat_ioneq = fortranformat.FortranRecordReader(f'2I3,{num_entries}E10.2') elif index == 1: self.temperature = 10.**np.array(, dtype=float) else: line = line = line[:2] + [self.temperature, np.array(line[2:], dtype=float)] table.append(line)
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, hf, df): dataset_name = pathlib.Path(self.filename).stem for row in df: el = plasmapy.particles.atomic_symbol(int(row['Z'])).lower() ion = int(row['ion']) grp_name = '/'.join([el, f'{el}_{ion}', 'ioneq']) if grp_name not in hf: grp = hf.create_group(grp_name) else: grp = hf[grp_name] if dataset_name not in grp: sub_grp = grp.create_group(dataset_name) sub_grp.attrs['footer'] = df.meta['footer'] sub_grp.attrs['chianti_version'] = df.meta['chianti_version'] ds = sub_grp.create_dataset('temperature', data=row['temperature']) ds.attrs['unit'] = df['temperature'].unit.to_string() ds.attrs['description'] = df.meta['descriptions']['temperature'] ds = sub_grp.create_dataset('ionization_fraction', data=row['ionization_fraction']) ds.attrs['unit'] = df['ionization_fraction'].unit.to_string() ds.attrs['description'] = df.meta['descriptions']['ionization_fraction']
[docs] class IpParser(GenericParser): filetype = 'ip' dtypes = [int, int, float] units = [None, None, 1/] headings = ['Z', 'ion', 'ip'] descriptions = ['atomic number', 'ion', 'ionization potential'] def __init__(self, ip_filename, **kwargs): super().__init__(ip_filename, **kwargs) self.full_path = pathlib.Path(kwargs.get('full_path', self.ascii_dbase_root / 'ip' / self.filename))
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, hf, df): dataset_name = pathlib.Path(self.filename).stem footer = f"""{dataset_name} ------------------ {df.meta['footer']}""" for row in df: el = plasmapy.particles.atomic_symbol(int(row['Z'])).lower() ion = int(row['ion']) grp_name = '/'.join([el, f'{el}_{ion}', 'ip']) if grp_name not in hf: grp = hf.create_group(grp_name) grp.attrs['footer'] = '' grp.attrs['chianti_version'] = df.meta['chianti_version'] else: grp = hf[grp_name] grp.attrs['footer'] += footer if dataset_name not in grp: ds = grp.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=row['ip']) ds.attrs['unit'] = df['ip'].unit.to_string() ds.attrs['description'] = df.meta['descriptions']['ip']
class DemParser(GenericParser): filetype = 'dem' dtypes = [float, float] units = [u.K,**(-5)/u.K] headings = ['temperature_bin_center', 'dem'] descriptions = ['center of the temperature bin', 'differential emission measure'] def __init__(self, dem_filename, **kwargs): super().__init__(dem_filename, **kwargs) self.full_path = pathlib.Path(kwargs.get('full_path', self.ascii_dbase_root / 'dem' / self.filename)) def postprocessor(self, df): logT_center = df['temperature_bin_center'].value T_unit = df['temperature_bin_center'].unit df['temperature_bin_center'] = 10**logT_center * T_unit df['dem'] = 10**df['dem'].value * df['dem'].unit df = super().postprocessor(df) # NOTE: there are several DEM models which clearly do not have equal bin widths # so this conversion to EM and calculation of the edges is not valid # These are the 'flare_ext' and 'AU_mic' models. # For these models, the below steps are not valid so they are skipped. bins_equal = np.allclose(np.diff(logT_center), np.diff(logT_center)[0], atol=1e-15, rtol=0) if bins_equal: delta_logT = np.diff(logT_center)[0] logT_left = logT_center - delta_logT/2 logT_right = logT_center + delta_logT/2 df['temperature_bin_edge_left'] = 10**logT_left*T_unit df['temperature_bin_edge_right'] = 10**logT_right*T_unit df['temperature_bin_width'] = df['temperature_bin_edge_right'] - df['temperature_bin_edge_left'] df['em'] = df['dem'] * df['temperature_bin_width'] df.meta['descriptions'].update({ 'temperature_bin_edge_left': 'Left edge of the temperature bin', 'temperature_bin_edge_right': 'Right edge of the temperature bin', 'temperature_bin_width': 'Width of the temperature bin. Should be uniform in log10 space', 'em': 'Emission measure; DEM integrated over each temperature bin', }) else: from fiasco import log log.debug(f'''Cannot compute additional quantities for {self.filename}. Temperature bins are not of equal width in log10 space.''') return df def to_hdf5(self, hf, df): dataset_name = pathlib.Path(self.filename).stem # NOTE: the following is necessary as there are sometimes subdirectories within the DEM # directory and some files within these subdirectories may have names that conflict with # DEM files in the top level DEM directory. Thus, we append the name of the subdirectory # to the dataset name to differentiate these DEM datasets. # NOTE: For relative paths, the first entry in 'parents' is always ".", the current # directory so we skip this. suffixes = [str(p) for p in pathlib.Path(self.filename).parents][:-1] dataset_name = '_'.join([dataset_name] + suffixes) footer = f"""{dataset_name} ------------------ {df.meta['footer']}""" grp_name = '/'.join(['dem', dataset_name]) if grp_name not in hf: grp = hf.create_group(grp_name) grp.attrs['footer'] = footer grp.attrs['chianti_version'] = df.meta['chianti_version'] else: grp = hf[grp_name] for col in df.colnames: ds = grp.create_dataset(col, data=df[col].value) ds.attrs['description'] = df.meta['descriptions'][col] ds.attrs['unit'] = df[col].unit.to_string()