fiasco currently only supports version 8 of the CHIANTI database.

Source code for

Numerical tools
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from functools import partial
from scipy.interpolate import splev, splrep

__all__ = ['vectorize_where', 'vectorize_where_sum', 'burgess_tully_descale']

[docs] def vectorize_where(x_1, x_2): """ Find indices of one array in another Parameters ---------- x_1 : array-like Array to search through x_2 : array-like Values to search for """ x_1 = np.atleast_1d(x_1) x_2 = np.atleast_1d(x_2) return np.array([np.where(x_1==x)[0] for x in x_2]).squeeze()
[docs] def vectorize_where_sum(x_1, x_2, y, axis=None): """ Find all occurrences of one array in another and sum over a third Parameters ---------- x_1 : array-like Array to search through x_2 : array-like Values to search for y : array-like axis : `int`, optional Axis to sum over """ unit = None if isinstance(y, u.Quantity): unit = y.unit y = y.value if len(y.shape) == 2: signature = '()->(n)' elif len(y.shape) == 1: signature = '()->()' else: raise ValueError('y cannot have dimension greater than 2') collect = np.vectorize(lambda a, b, c: c[np.where(a == b)].sum(axis=axis), excluded=[0, 2], signature=signature) return u.Quantity(collect(x_1, x_2, y), unit)
def _xnew(energy_ratio, c, scaling_type): energy_ratio = energy_ratio.T if scaling_type in [1, 4]: return 1.0 - np.log(c) / np.log(energy_ratio + c) elif scaling_type in [2, 3, 5, 6]: return energy_ratio / (energy_ratio + c)
[docs] def burgess_tully_descale(x, y, energy_ratio, c, scaling_type): r""" Convert scaled Burgess-Tully :cite:p:`burgess_analysis_1992` parameters to physical quantities. For a scaled temperature, :math:`x` and scaled effective collision strength :math:`y`, the effective collision strength can be calculated as a function of the scaled energy :math:`U=k_BT_e/\Delta E_{ij}` the ratio between the thermal energy and the energy of the transition :math:`ij`. There are 6 different scaling types, depending on the type of transition. This scaling is explained in detail in section 5 of :cite:t:`burgess_analysis_1992`. The scaled temperatures and collision strengths are related to :math:`U` and :math:`\Upsilon` by, * type 1 .. math:: x = 1 - \frac{\ln C}{\ln{(U + C)}},\quad y = \frac{\Upsilon}{\log(U + e)} * type 2 .. math:: x = \frac{U}{U + C},\quad y = \Upsilon * type 3 .. math:: x = \frac{U}{U + C},\quad y = (U + 1)\Upsilon * type 4 .. math:: x = 1 - \frac{\ln C}{\ln{(U + C)}},\quad y = \frac{\Upsilon}{\log(U + C)} * type 5 .. math:: x = \frac{U}{U + C},\quad y = \Upsilon U * type 6 .. math:: x = \frac{U}{U + C},\quad y = \log_{10}\Upsilon where :math:`C` is a scaling constant that is different for each transition. Note that :cite:t:`burgess_analysis_1992` only considered scaling types 1 through 4. Types 5 and 6 correspond to dielectron and proton transitions, respectively. To "descale" the scaled effective collision strengths that are stored in the database, a spline fit is computed to the new :math:`x` as computed from :math:`U` and then the relationship between :math:`\Upsilon` and :math:`y` is inverted to get :math:`\Upsilon` as a function of :math:`U`. Parameters ---------- x : `array-like` Scaled temperature. First dimension should have length ``n``, the number of transitions. The second dimension will be the number of spline points, but may be different for each row. If each row has ``l`` spline points, `x` should have shape ``(n,l)``. If they are not all equal, `x` will have shape ``(n,)``. y : `array-like` Scaled collision strength. Must have the same dimensions as `x`. energy_ratio : `array-like` Ratio between the thermal energy and that of each transition with shape ``(n,m)``, where ``m`` is the dimension of the temperature array. c : `array-like` Scaling constant for each transition with shape ``(n,)`` scaling_type : `array-like` The type of descaling to apply for each transition with shape ``(n,)``. Must be between 1 and 6 Returns ------- upsilon : `array-like` Descaled collision strength or cross-section with the same shape as `energy_ratio`. """ # NOTE: Arrays with staggered number of columns, which have an 'object' # dtype (denoted by 'O') appear to be 1D, but should not be cast to 2D # as this will actually add an extra dimension and throw off the function # mapping # NOTE: We need to first work out whether the array is ragged or not in order # to set the dtype of the resulting array. Not doing so is now deprecated in # numpy. See is_ragged = False if isinstance(x, list): if not all([_x.shape[0] == x[0].shape[0] for _x in x]): is_ragged = True elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if x.dtype == np.dtype('O'): is_ragged = True else: raise TypeError(f'x has unsupported type {type(x)}') if is_ragged: x = np.asarray(x, dtype='O') y = np.asarray(y, dtype='O') else: x = np.atleast_2d(x) y = np.atleast_2d(y) energy_ratio = np.atleast_2d(u.Quantity(energy_ratio).to_value(u.dimensionless_unscaled)) c = u.Quantity(c).to_value(u.dimensionless_unscaled) out = np.zeros(energy_ratio.shape) xnew = np.zeros(energy_ratio.shape) for s_type in np.unique(scaling_type): idxs = scaling_type == s_type xnew[idxs, :] = _xnew(energy_ratio[idxs, :], c[idxs], s_type).T # Use list(map()) here to allow varying shaped inputs for x, y splrep_szero = partial(splrep, s=0) nots = np.array(list(map(splrep_szero, x, y)), dtype=object) splev_derzero = partial(splev, der=0) out = np.array(list(map(splev_derzero, xnew, nots)), dtype=object) for s_type in np.unique(scaling_type): idxs = scaling_type == s_type if s_type == 1: out[idxs, ...] *= np.log(energy_ratio[idxs, ...] + np.e) elif s_type == 3: out[idxs, ...] /= (energy_ratio[idxs, ...] + 1.0) elif s_type == 4: out[idxs, ...] *= np.log(energy_ratio[idxs, ...].T + c[idxs]).T elif s_type == 5: out[idxs, ...] /= energy_ratio[idxs, ...] elif s_type == 6: out[idxs, ...] = 10**out[idxs] return out