
class fiasco.io.sources.HSeqParser(filename, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GenericParser

Parameters for calculating two-photon continuum for hydrogen-like ions


  • The parameter :math: psi_{text{norm}} (called :math: A_{text{sum}} in CHIANTI) is a normalization factor of the integral of the spectral distribution function \(\psi(y)\) from 0 to 1, such that :math: frac{1}{psi_{text{norm}}} int_{0}^{1} psi(y) dy = 2. This normalization is only used for hydrogenic ions.

Attributes Summary

Methods Summary


Extract metadata from raw text and format appropriately.

preprocessor(table, line, index)

Default preprocessor method run on each line ingested.

to_hdf5(hf, df, **kwargs)

Attributes Documentation

descriptions = ['atomic number', 'fraction of energy carried by one of the two photons', 'nominal atomic number', 'radiative decay rate', 'normalization of the integral of psi from 0 to 1', 'spectral distribution function']#
dtypes = [<class 'int'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'float'>]#
filetype = 'hseq_2photon'#
headings = ['Z', 'y', 'Z_0', 'A', 'psi_norm', 'psi']#
units = [None, Unit(dimensionless), None, <Quantity 1. 1 / s>, Unit(dimensionless), Unit(dimensionless)]#

Methods Documentation

Extract metadata from raw text and format appropriately.

preprocessor(table, line, index)[source]#

Default preprocessor method run on each line ingested.

to_hdf5(hf, df, **kwargs)[source]#