
class, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GenericIonParser

Scaled collisions strengths (denoted by upsilon) between energy levels as described in Burgess and Tully [BT92].

Attributes Summary

Methods Summary


Default postprocessor method run on the whole dataframe

preprocessor(table, line, index)

Default preprocessor method run on each line ingested.

Attributes Documentation

descriptions = ['lower level index', 'upper level index', 'delta energy', 'oscillator strength', 'high-temperature limit', 'number of scaled temperatures', 'Burgess-Tully scaling type', 'Burgess-Tully scaling parameter', 'Burgess-Tully scaled temperatures', 'Burgess-Tully scaled effective collision strengths']#
dtypes = [<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'float'>, 'object', 'object']#
filetype = 'scups'#
headings = ['lower_level', 'upper_level', 'delta_energy', 'gf', 'high_t_limit', 'n_t', 'bt_type', 'bt_c', 'bt_t', 'bt_upsilon']#
units = [None, None, Unit("Ry"), Unit(dimensionless), <Quantity 1. 1 / Ry>, None, None, Unit(dimensionless), Unit(dimensionless), Unit(dimensionless)]#

Methods Documentation


Default postprocessor method run on the whole dataframe

preprocessor(table, line, index)[source]#

Default preprocessor method run on each line ingested.